Indigenous Relations & Community Engagement

Redrock Camps is focused on meaningful engagement that will deliver impactful and prosperous outcomes for Indigenous Communities and Peoples. We understand that reconciliation requires active engagement, genuine partnership, and concrete actions. Redrock Camp supports the 92nd Call to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) report and commits to taking an active role in developing partnerships with Indigenous Communities and businesses on the lands where we work. 

Redrock Camps is dedicated to identifying and creating employment opportunities for impacted Indigenous Communities and retaining Indigenous businesses as subcontractors by:

  • Fostering meaningful relationships with impacted Indigenous Communities and businesses and maintaining open and transparent communication throughout the project.
  • Promoting sustainable economic opportunities and capacity-building initiatives.
  • Ensuring that work is subcontracted to Indigenous owned companies where possible, promoting economic inclusion and collaboration.

Throughout projects, Redrock Camps will hold ourselves accountable to the principles of reconciliation and measure progress by:

  • Establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the local indigenous hiring and procurement initiatives.
  • Tracking key performance indicators such as the number of local hires, contracts awarded to local and Indigenous businesses, and economic impact on the community.
  • Using feedback and data to make continuous improvements to the engagement plan and maximize its impact.

Redrock Camps will work with local Communities to understand Indigenous workforce availability and to identify existing skills and qualifications. We may forge partnerships with the impacted Indigenous Communities to provide mentorship, job shadowing, and hands-on-training for Community members interested in employment opportunities. Areas of training and employment may include; cooks and kitchen support, maintenance and groundskeeping, housekeeping, IT support, etc.


Local Engagement

Redrock Camps is committed to prioritizing employment and business opportunities for local businesses and residents based on qualifications, quality, cost, experience, and capability to deliver on time.

Redrock Camps will identify subcontracting opportunities and seek to obtain a list of local businesses that can supply materials, equipment and services needed for the project as well as highlight specific scopes or trades with potential for job creation and economic growth related to the project.

Redrock Camps is dedicated to developing a local hiring strategy that prioritizes the recruitment and training of local residents for the project and will also collaborate with local workforce development agencies, vocational training centers, and educational institutions to provide training programs and skills development opportunities tailored to the needs of the project. Specific recruitment tools that may be employed include:

  • Organizing job fairs and recruitment events in the local community to inform residents about employment opportunities associated with the project.
  • Providing information about job requirements, training programs, and application procedures.
  • Offering on-the-spot interviews and job application assistance to interested candidates.

Redrock Camps will engage with local communities to understand their needs and concerns regarding equal access to employment opportunities. The recruitment practices we implement will reach a diverse pool of candidates and communities. The job descriptions and qualifications will be inclusive and will not unnecessarily exclude qualified candidates from underrepresented groups.  

We will explore opportunities to engage with local business to gather insights into the types of skills and competencies that are in demand. Redrock Camps may consider an apprenticeship program that will increase workforce participation, improve skill levels and support local economic growth for youth, unemployed individuals, or underrepresented groups. Another avenue that may be considered is a scholarship program that can significantly contribute to educational attainment and skills development.